Microsoft Fabric Data Engineer (DP-700)
Deze cursus behandelt methoden en praktijken om data-engineeringoplossingen te implementeren met behulp van Microsoft Fabric. Je leert hoe je effectieve…
Aangezien we steeds meer opschuiven naar een kennisgebaseerde en servicegerichte economie, maken immateriële activa zoals handelsmerken, patenten, kennis en technologie een steeds belangrijker deel van de ondernemingswaarde uit. Het juist belasten en waarderen van immateriële activa is daarom van essentieel belang.
In deze training behandelen de auteurs/docenten immateriële activa vanuit het complementaire perspectief van Transfer Pricing en waardering. Aangezien er geen eenduidige definitie van Intellectual Property (IP) en andere intangibles in gebruik is – noch bij de belastingdiensten noch bij de OECD – hanteren de docenten een raamwerk waarin de verschillende karakteristieken van immateriële activa gevat worden. Bovendien worden de methodes besproken die door de OECD zijn vastgesteld voor het arm’s length vaststellen van de prijzen of de waardering van intra-group transacties van immateriële activa, als ook de implementatie van deze methodes.
Deze training is bedoeld voor:
LESSON I Transfer Pricing and Intangibles: Introduction
Today, intangible property generally represents between 40-80% of ?value-add’ of international enterprises (MNEs), making it a key component of an MNEs value chain. Intangible property includes business rights associated with commercial activities, including marketing activities. Intangible property will not always be shown on the balance sheet of a company, and often intangible property attracts a considerable risk, e.g. contract or product liability.
Given that Transfer Pricing issues pertaining to intangibles are a key area of concern to governments and taxpayers, the OECD found that updating Chapter VI and VIII of the OECD Transfer Pricing Guidelines has become an increasingly important issue in the evolution of new business realities and subsequent adaptations to the Transfer Pricing regulations.
LESSON II Intangibles: Transfer Pricing Labels, Identification and Ownership
Lesson II evaluates the labels that are applied to intangibles in the context of Transfer Pricing by utilizing 4 functional variables. The definitions of intangibles are evaluated from a legal, tax and accounting perspective. The lesson examines methods for applying labels to intangibles and how to properly identify the rightful owners and which entity is entitled to the returns related to an intangible.
Valuation of Intangibles
Lesson III provides a clear picture of the various aspects of assessing the value of an intangible for Transfer Pricing purposes. This is accomplished through providing relevant background information, introducing components of valuation methods and applying the ideas to real world examples of highly valued companies that utilize intangibles in their business models. After introducing these concepts, practical methods of assessing value are examined.
Business Models: Intellectual Property (IP) Configurations
Lesson IV describes how and where intangibles are located in the value chain of multinational enterprises. This is accomplished through evaluating business models from a general business/commercial perspective as well as from a Transfer Pricing perspective. Case studies and questions to evaluate different practical examples are included in this lesson.
LESSON V Intellectual Property (IP) law and Transfer Pricing
Lesson V examines the legal system surrounding Intellectual Property rights. The lesson provides a brief history of Intellectual Property rights in the legal context, discusses the future of Intellectual Property rights, and looks at the different types of legally recognized Intellectual Property rights. The lesson further explores the legal aspects of Intellectual Property exploitation, Intellectual Property management and Intellectual Property transfer. How to protect intangibles through Intellectual Property law, corporate law, contract law and labour law is also examined.
LESSON VI Accounting definitions of Intellectual Property (IP) and Transfer Pricing
Lesson VI provides a high level overview of the accounting standards relating to intangible assets. The lesson focuses on the recognition and measurement of intangibles according to accounting principles. The lesson examines the differences in valuation of intellectual property according to IFRS, US GAAP and Canadian GAAP.
LESSON VII Corporate income tax aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) and Transfer Pricing
Lesson VII outlines the corporate income tax aspects related to intangibles and Transfer Pricing. The lesson touches on many tax aspects, including amortization, tax credits, capital gains tax, value-added tax, and more. Several examples from different countries are provided to highlight how intangible property is taxed around the world.
De cursus is geschreven op HBO-niveau.
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